How healthy is...?
Search or scan your favourite product and find out how healthy it is. Then decide if it should be in your shopping basket and your stomach.

3. Healthier alternatives
If the score is too low for you, check out our suggestions for healthier alternatives.
Updated: 4/21/2023
Everything about new features of our app, new content in our blog and what else we are planning soon.

New in March 2023
Updated: 4/21/2023
We prepared new information about ingredients in March. And there is a new page that shows you lots of facts about an ingredient.

New in February 2023
Updated: 4/21/2023
In February, the house blessing was crooked and again these cookies. And to make matters worse, housekeeping was announced once again.

New in January 2023
Updated: 4/21/2023
Everything now has a score. And we discovered that a barcode scanner without a camera does not make too much sense.
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